Friday, 12 October 2012

Chicago Marathon Windy Race Report

I've been told by a few people they're looking forward to this, so let's hope they're not disappointed.   First off, as I've said on facebook, I'm really happy to be so lucky with friends, family, etc. Second, for those who don't know me that personally, the race went exceptionally well.  

Since I like stories, and I've been attempting to make this blog more pictorial, I will write this more like a narraitve of the weekend.  Don't worry, I have some good pics and video (Yes my wife knows how to aim the ipad this time).

Getting there
Unfortunately I took a whirlwind approach and planned to leave for Chi on Saturday morning.   This was due to my transitory state of life when the cheap Porter flights became available in the summer.   What does this mean? I would have loved to fly out Friday, but since I only paid a tiny bit for airfare, I didn't feel like forking out $2,000 more to fly early. 

Going to the Island Airport is interesting.  Parking is non-existant, so you're really looking at subway or cab.  Subway had a fire, so cab it was.  I'm a nervous flyer to say the least.  Not in terms of crashing or hearing strange sounds, but rather in terms of getting there, on the plane, and having room for my bags, vs some one in the last row putting their bags in your trough and forcing you to use theirs.   Various things like that.    Porter did a great job.   Was dissapointed on the lack of promised land food of milk an honey (ie free beer and other food).  Instead it was butter cookies and heavily salted nuts.  Did I mention I was maintaing my diet?

Chicago, and all that Jazz
After an easy flight, still no food, we arrive and take the L train in.   I'm already impressed with the city.  I've always thought that I should live in a more connected spot.  Our subway is a cramped POS without humanity.   Here on the otherhand I get on and find people who instead of trying to push you are actually offering you a seat.  No strings attached.  Very foreign concept! Not that a fit marathoner needs a seat, but its a nice gesture with all our bags.  

Coming into the city is beautiful.  I love rised level transport.  I used to get giddy riding down the Gardiner coming to the skyline, and I even like *Gasp* Buffalo's highway that rides right through the buildings.  

Here's a pic of the city for the first time from the "L"

Eventually I also got to eat... not a bad thing to do the day before a marathon, you know I don't think starvation is a good carbo load tactic.   I

The World's Fair 1893 (or more modernly the Expo)
This was run very well.   After getting a bus right away, I was already psyched up to be there.  I was not dissapointed.  Tons of people, tons of energy.  Lots to see and all of it running related.  I didn't even have to feign interest!    I saw Hal Higdeon, Wesley Korir, I could have stayed to see Desi Davila, and more.  Very cool.

I got my bib, found out that I'm no longer a Medium (hello Small) and went shopping at OwnChicago.   Got a bunch of cool gear, saw a few more things, got a freebie at the Gatorade exhibit.   All good.  

Next took the bus back to Niketown and Garmin.  This was exciting in its own right.  I was a little disappointed at Garmin, it was too much of a store and less of a wonderland of gadgetry, but well I only hung out on the first floor.     The guy wasn't even responsive to my joke about how the store wasn't a waypoint on my old 310xt and it was hard to find.  I don't think he knew what a waypoint was.    However it was cool to be able to try all the products on, see how it goes, and pick up some new gear right there and then.   It's about time for an upgrade.  Do I need a new watch? no, but the 910 is way cool, and well if I'm gonna be sub then I need new gear for swagger. 

Niketown was very high energy.  I'm happy that they really got the experience right.  Tons of salesepople there to pump you up for a sale and help feed the energy of the day.  Just what I wanted :)

We had a simple dinner.  The restaurant was a simple Italian place.  Very easy.  Food came out super quick and we shared two plates of Gnocci and a Pizza.  Yum.

Okay here's where most people will skip to... the important events!

Sunday morning I was in a good mood.  I slept remarkably well, going to bed at 10 and getting up at 4:30.   To me that's a full night's sleep so I was well rested to go.   I was also able to find a whole foods the night before so I had my final 250ml of the good stuff, aka Beet juice.   might as well continue it right to the end.    I topped it off with a bagel, 5 hr energy (experimentation time..) a powerbar protein plus, and they had food downstairs for us runners (very nice! but a sign would have been good too..) so I grabbed a banana as well. 

At 6:20 we were on our way out.  

When I got up I noticed my coach emailed me with some last min goals and pacing strategy, largely with what I was expecting so I was good to go.

In a near freezing state (5degrees C) we go out in shorts, run gear, sweater, and a long sleve top (that became a throw away).  It's quite fun watching all these people come out of every direction and we're all driven to one direction.  We move without speaking and we all share the same feeling of anticipation.  It may be cold, but no one is complaining.  The alternative is much, much worse. 

I got into the corrals quickly, saying good bye to my wife.   Headed to A, and to my surprise, they had rows and rows of portos for each corral, thereby eliminating any line I would have normally faced.   Organized well? Yup.

Into A now, shown my creds. and waiting around.   Meet up w my crew, and surprisingly found the guys I met online to pace with.  I was happy to have people to pace with. 

I was feeling really relaxed at this point.  Most of my nerves were spent yesterday with flying in, and getting the bib, fearing the crowds etc, and well I really didn't have anything else to fear.  I was there.  It was good to have people to talk to, really took my mind off the run.   When the gun when off, I don't think I really noticed.  It was more of oh - I'm feeling mellow right now, I guess it's time to race. 

No adrenaline rush, no craziness, just let's run.  We started off at a casual jog.  At this point people are flying by, trying to beat the Kenyans or something. I don't know but they look crazy.  One guy's running along a narrow curb that's in bad shape, and for what? is it a 100m race? who knows.  Lot of people passing before they got caught or something.   After getting out from the underground, we started to pick up the pace.   Really this felt like a jog with 1000s of people.  Cool.  I was slightly worried that I didn't care or something and that this might be a long day.  However I wasn't even scared about that.  I thought for a second that this was going to maybe juts be an easy run and for a second thinking hey well what if I don't get 3? However, I was not concerned, and just kept running.

Mile 1 - 7:03 or something.  Really 'slow'.  I guess we sped up somewhere because it wasn't that slow considering how casual we started.   This first curve onto Grand Ave for me is where the race really begins.   There are tons of peolpe lining the streets (okay its only one or two rows deep but its really loud).  And 2 levels high.     This is practically my fantasy.  I've waited for this since Feb when I signed up and I was in NYC and running down 7th Ave imagining what it would be like to run a city race.  Okay I picture confetti or something too, real parade style, but this is pretty good.   We're running the Chicago Marathon!

Mile 2 - 6:41 - okay so you realize I'm high energy now eh? This was a bit too fast, but I'm feeding off the crowd.  Still not working, just enjoying the sights and sounds.

Rollin' on by...turns out Nike copied our team colours

Mile 3 - 6:46
okay on pace, good.  Now going up LaSalle and settling into the race.   However I loose my pacing partners in the crowds so I'm a little nervous but making sure my pace is controlled.

Mile 3&4 6:39
a little ahead of pace - I've lost my pace group and going a bit fast - still easy, but conciously triyng to keep it slow.

Mile 5-7 6:46, 6:46, 6:45 - caught up again with everyone, running easy through Lincoln park.  After seeing the lights of Wrigley Field I made a decision.  I was going to pick up the pace a bit.  My goal was largely to wait til 10mi or the half, I started getting marginally faster around 8.

Miles 8-10 , 6:40, 6:37, 6:43
Now that I'm feeling good, its time to carry it.  I have voices in my head telling me I have various options but I'm supposed to neg split.  Go easy then turn it on.  I've turned it on a bit, but its feeling very casual.  I choose to stay with the pace. 

Miles 11-14  , 6:42, 6:37, 6:38, 6:38
Now I come back into the city and its loud.  Now I'm really feeling it, working my form, feeling like a rockstar and winning.  Starting to feel this was the easiest half marathon I've ever run.   So much energy coursing through me.   I kept with my plan of taking gels every 5mi and continued along

Miles 15-22 6:34, 6:38, 6:39, 6:34, 6:38, 6:38, 6:45, 6:41
I guess I've settled into pace eh? This part is just trying to take in the sights (Little Italy, Little Mexico, Little Korea? and China town).   I took in the culture, and pretended when they cheered loudly for whomever, I was also included and their energy was for me.   I hit all my goals at this point and contiued the pace beyond 20mi which was the goal, and still shooting for a fast time.  I'm pretty confident that I'm sub 3.  I flirt with 2:55 etc.  but I really don't know.  It wasn't exactly a goal though I know I was definitely in the territory with all those 6:38s

Miles 23-25 61, 6:49,6:51
Now the race is probably its most boring.  you're running along the highway, there's a lot of wind, and a bit of hills.   My quads were feeling it a bit, but in all honesty, this wasn't much of a fade.  I was still hitting the paces required for sub 3 (ie 6:50s) and I wasn't worried.  In fact, after 24 mi I knew it was there.  Now it's time to pick it up and bring it home

Mile 25-26 6:51, 6:42
Seeing my coach was good - telling me to pick off as many as I can.  Good advice.  Counting down the feet.  See the large screen in the distance, turn the corner, see the hill.  Run the hill, pushing it. Feeling body aching, turn the corner, down/straight, 200m or so left... push push and finish.... well under my goal!

                      It looks slower than it was in my honest opinon ;)  And it's up a tiny hill.

26.195 -  2:56:23

SplitTime Of DayTimeDiffmin/milemiles/h

That was a 1:28:43 1st half and 1:27:40 2nd half  - 1min neg split

After I head straight to the beer tent... get refueled.  

Post Race
Well after the race I nearly froze my butt off as apparantly I forgot 5c is cold, and after giving away 3000+ calories, I'm freezing.  It was a cold long walk after meeting with my team mates back to where I was meeting my wife.   When we reunited it was great. I got all the accolades from my family via text and life was good.  A quick massage and then we're off. 

The city was quite friendly with over 50 people congratulating me for the rest of the day.  It helped that I wore the medal.      Sunday I felt fine in the legs, but stomach wise I was wrecked.  Monday we took a boat tour and my legs were wrecked.  An older lady creamed me down the 3 flights of stairs to the wharf!  We were both using the hand rails.    It was cold but cool.  I am very interested in buildings/architechure so I had a fun experience.    A bit more warmer clothes and it would have been perfect.

The week so far has been good.  I've been completely mellow.  No regrets about leaving anything on the course, and no worries about the future.  It's a good spot to be in, and when I decide on future goals I'll post them up.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

The "dirty" side of running

Uh oh... yes that topic... With the big news in the Lance Armstrong case, the suspicions in the Olympics (including a few confirmed cases), its time to discuss the dirty side of running....laundry! 

This is probably less than a week of actual clothes!

It's amazing how many pairs of shorts I can go through in a week. Admittedly I'll go through a few more changes of clothes now that I'm married.   Marci will even submit a few pieces of running laundry herself, so quite quickly, it adds up.

There's some advantages to this though.  Since I have a few choice outfits, I said, well why not get a second one? This opened up a new realm that I never considered.  Now even days when I think it's a bit much can I have a fresh pair of my favourite shorts.   

For shorts I've become a big fan over the years of Sugoi's Piston Tri shorts.  They make running versions too, but the tri shorts come with elastic pockets, and while they have a bike chamois, its more subtle.  The pockets make the shorts.  From keys, to money and gels, those side elastic ones are great. 

Now suddenly Nike comes out with something similar! Their new shorts with as they call it "bike style" pockets are in my opinion better.  It doesn't have the thin chamois, is a little looser, and the pockets are a little lower, which with a fuel belt adds more access to getting in there.   Might have more of a chance to loose something but not so far.  Trust me, side elastic pockets are KEY.

For tops, I've really enjoyed Goodlife marathon's Karbon made shirts.  Karbon's shirts seem to chaff less, feel lighter, and fit better.  Somehow I've ended up with 3-4 of them over the years in different colours, so they work out well.    I have some good Solomon trail cutoff tanks that are feather light too.   The Canada Running Series shirts are too heavy and awkward in my opinion, save for the Zoo run shirt last year. 

Well I enjoy Adidas shoes, but to each their own.  I like them because the backs in the heel from the Adizero line are thinner than everyone else, and for some reason I've worn them out fast and received blisters in Asics, New Balance, amongst others. 

Since were' talking dirty... these aren't my dirtiest but these shoes used to glow neon yellow...

If I told you they were a week and half old would you believe me?  What if I said I had about 200kms on them?  They're the Boston 3's.  My 2nd pair of them.  I also use the better looking Adios, but no pictures today.

Since I'm on the topic of gear, my other favs are a sugoi hat, fuel belt 4 bottle holder, oakley easy lens changers, and of course body glide!   I have an ipod shuffle, but as I mentioned I don't bring it much.   I brought it Sun for my 20miler (32k) but of course, I left it "on" so I had batt good enough for the first 5km.  Serves me right!

Friday, 17 August 2012

An easy breazy day in August

The past few weeks have afforded me little rest running wise.   I've run 235kms in the month so far.. or 100k per week! It's by far a good solid chunk of training and I'm feeling a lot better in form.  It does feel tiring though.  Do you ever get to the point where you need to run a few miles just to loosen up?  That's about how I feel these days.

With last night's speed session no exception, it started as a 4.5k jog around a 4:45-5:00/k pace, followed by drills, then 5 x 1mi (1600m) w 300m jog recoveries and a 2min break in between sets 2 and 3, and an easy few km home.  Not that complicated.  It still took me the first 2 sets of repeats to really feel my legs though, at 6:26, 6:26, it's nothing 'fast' but it isn't all that slow either.   After the break I was stiff so 6:27, but then found my rhythm a bit and nailed a 6:19, and 6:22.    Again, not my best by far, but as a measure of how I felt, this came across strong.

It's tough to do this many miles yet reflect back to Feb when I could nail 5 x mile w 30s rest @ 5:50-5:52 pace.   I was golden then.  It was also a LOT cooler.  For those who forgot, we had the best winter ever.  This summer is still too humid for great running so I'll take what I can get.

Today was what I needed.  My watch couldn't get a signal so I just left it at home.  I decided on a 10k route and just ran.  The weather was nice, no humidity in the air, so I was able to relax and really enjoy it.   I waved to all the runners I passed as I like to do when I'm relaxed and got some waves back.  I'm surprised that I feel like I'm the only one who does this anymore.  If I didn't initiate, people would ignore.  This was one of the things that really got me onto running back in the day - how friendly total strangers were.   Not to say running in a club you don't get the same camaraderie, but it's the chance encounters with your neighbours that bring it all back.    PS I rarely run with headphones.

So with that, it's time to grind it out some more.  Only about 7 weeks left til Chicago.   Will have some great company for that - very much looking forward to it!

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

So it's been months since my last post...

Just saying hi!

A few things - after the marathon I guess I took it easy (mentally), which led to less prolific writing.  This was accompanied by an Achilles injury, which isn't that much fun to follow.   I still have some issues with the heal but overall its far better and running I have been.      Did I mention I got married and went on my honeymoon?  That certainly led to running less and eating more.

Well, back on track, running 80+kms per week.  Will do some more updates later.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Goodlife Toronto Marathon Race Report

Wow, what a race! It really flew by.  There's something to be said about that speed then, everything happens much much quicker.  I can say that I did not hit my sub 3 original goal.  Am I disappointed? Sure. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't.   But I had an excellent race and a very big PB of 3:02:13 to show it!

The Pre-Race Prep.
I wanted to work on two things for the final week, well maybe three.  Tapering obviously, and waking up at 5am, and drinking the beet juice.   Getting up at 5 was tough at times.   But the race started at 7:30, so it meant to be prepared and as awake as I could.  Waking up on Sunday was no problem.  Was straight into my routine and off we went at 6:45.   The early temps were perfect around 9c (48f) and little to no wind. 

Start Line
Got to the start line pretty quickly.  Since I don't live right next to it practically, we have to drive there.  Thanks to Marci for doing her part :).  She parked the car and let me and another running buddy out who we took from our new neighbourhood.   Walked through the former stomping grounds and said hi to the RR.  This also allowed me to use a shorter line to the bathroom.   Once I was prepared, went to the back street, did my pre-race stretching and was ready to go.    We heard a speech from the Great Bill Rogers.  I was very surprised that the organizers got him to talk.  That was cool.   Then I met Canadian star Rob Watson as he was pacing his friends.  We chatted for a bit then toed the line.


1-5km (20:47 min - 6:42/mi, 4:10/km)
The key here was not to blow up and dash out of the gate.   I did see a lot of runners do this and they paid for it.   Based on last year's statistics, only about 20-25 ppl may actually hit sub 3 (this year it was a bit larger and it was about 45), however maybe a hundred + actually passed me in the first 2 km.   I stuck to the plan and just paced it out.   Got cheers from the RR again and MBP  Thanks Gillian for the pic!

Other highlights were the woman shouting after 2k - "There's only 40 to go!"   I'm not really sure if she was being sarcastic (some thing she was being sincere).  Needless to say, the first 2kms is very early.

6-10km (21:25 min - 6:55/mi, 4:17/km) - 10k @ 42:13 min
This starts immediately on the first challege of the coures - the big uphill from York Mills to Yonge Blvd.   This is the steepest incline of the course and longest hill (ranges between 6-8%, for half a mile).  I was expecting a 4:45/km pace for this one but actually cleared a 4:30 so happy with that.    Past the hill you start to get into your pace again for a net downhill/rolling hill type run.   I saw Coach Megan who said I looked relaxed (well as long as I looked it), but in reality I was.  Let your legs clear out and enjoy the pace.  I wasn't pushing too hard again b/c with the rollers, you want to conserve.  Long race eh?

11-15kms (20:52 min - 6:44/mi, 4:10/km)
Now we move to Forest Hill.  I not that happy about the indiscriminate distance adding.  Ie. last year, we just went straight along the street, this year we had to go straight, then right the left, then right.   This added both distance, and a hill.   Not a big deal, but you deal.  I've been passing people since the uphill, one or two at a time and nobody was passing me back.  It was interesting.   Still didn't want to touch the pace too much.  Starting getting more downhill again in this section.

16-20kms (20:27 min -6:36/mi, 4:05/km) - 10-20km @ 41:19min
This is where I started to pick it up.  You've got a great steep downhill that gets your cadence high, and then flat to downhill.  People are starting to "race" this area, but I'm telling myself to relax, don't do it, but just pick it up a bit.  I figure I can get a good 15kms or so out of this pace but it will prob hurt after, so be careful.   However, with now more than an hour into the race, and being the prettiest part of the course, I am picking it up.    I 'raced' or paced with one guy for a bit, but my legs were great and he tired out.   Really enjoying this section as we went on to Rosedale Valley Road (used to love this part in the fall, but today it was very green and just as nice).  If the temps were warming up, I didn't really notice it until you got out of the valley because of the trees.

21-25kms (21:15 min - 6:51/mi, 4:15/km) - 21.1km @ 1:27:45 - 6:41/mi, 4:10/km
Now we're into the downtown core.  This is where I practiced a few weeks ago so I'm ready and excited.  I did the second half of the new course about 3-4 weeks earlier.  However the one difference is I hadn't previously ran 21.1kms to this point.   Running through the city is always nice.  I like the urban/tall building feel.   Racing past the buildings I've been in and out of so many times, living the day dream that I get when I'm walking outside during lunches.  It's fun.  However there's not much you can do with the core, so with a few kms, we were out. and getting to the new condo developments and to the next stages of the race.

26-30kms (21:44 min - 7:01/km, 4:21/km) - 20-30km @ 43min, 30k @ 2:06:36
Now along the lake it is flat.  However, if you didn't get the gist of the race,  it was downhill.  So now your quads are feeling it, worn and well its a new type of race.  At this point I slow down here and there on the marginal level, but of course it counts.  I wasn't really trying to pay attention to my splits anymore, just cruise it out.   I think for the most part, still on the target 4:16/6:52 pace, but a few kms slipped out of sync.  It's also now about 13-15c, 55-59f.  It is not humid, but you can feel it.  The lake presents a nice breeze, but of course that will slow you down too.     At around the 26k mark there was a water station that I really miscued badly.  I've been taking a lot of "sips" from the water stations, and most went down well, with a couple of coughs, but this I swallowed too much down the wrong way and almost gagged.   Not a pleasant feeling, sight or sound.    I was also on my 3rd gel during this part and it may have been a bit much.

31-35kms (22:30 min - 7:15/mi, 4:30/km)
At this point its becoming more of a battle of attrition.   Skipping some water stations (as my stomach was too unsettled from gel, and drinking some to get some water in you, while after 30k you're going to slow down).  The race is no longer "fun".  It's hot, you feel crappy, but only 12kms to go, right?  The focus became less on the race, and more on "just run it home, I promise if you don't stop you'll be very happy, okay? You stop and you won't be happy.  Just do it".   I got some encouragement from one guy around the final turnaround, to pick it up, but haha, that wasn't for me to do it.  A woman passed me, who it later showed got 3:00:49 or so and I knew that I'd have to pick it up here for the final goal.  But to me, maybe at this high level, my body was saying no.

36-40kms (23:15 min - 7:30/mi, 4:40/km) 30-40km  @45:45 min
I mean if you look at the average pace, that's still very strong.  That's 8 mph, to be able to do that after 35kms of that's impressive.  For my slowest speed in a marathon to be 8mph, I've certainly come a long way.   Okay.  Final 6km, 5kms, 4kms etc.  I wish I had more energy to pull it though.  I figure I may even have had a chance at sub 3 still.  I have one more gel - do I take it or not? okay take it, do I have an advil? no that would have helped.   Again, in my head in the plan, I visualized this being the final stretch, with wind at your back, and to really shine.  It's tough man.  I still refused to look at the watch - I didn't want to piss myself off.  It was a battle of just finishing running.  That's what matters.  I did look at my watch as I went up the final hill.  "Why does there need to be a hill here?  Well a 4:55 km.  Not great but not terrible.  See? I told you if you kept running you'd be happy."  At the 40k mark I was about 2:52.  "Okay, not God awful (goal related) but you know you're not pulling sub 4kms at this point, so let's get the BQ time of 3:05 - you've got that, just roll it in."  It's pretty warm out now - 15c/61f.  There's little wind, so you can feel it. Not humid but still quite warm. 

Final 2kms, 194.988m (9:55 min - 7:15/mi, 4:30/km)
Did you know that just 6 months ago, 4:30/km was my goal marathon pace?
Now it's time to pick it up.  Well I don't really have anything left.   The 41st km was nothing all that pretty but now a bit faster - maybe 4:35.  Final km.  No sign.  Okay but there's a crowd finally.  See my coach  - "Jonas ' lets go  - only 500m to go! A new PB is waiting for you".  True, but I don't see the 42km sign.  I do see a sign shortly after saying 4km (for the 5k race).  I'm wondering - hey did she just lie to me and want me to run 1.4kms sprint?  Regardless, it helped. I picked it up, passed two guys I was behind and almost full on sprinted in.  When we make the final turn, I'm expected some fun glory, but no, the half and the full are sharing the finish - not separate chutes, but the same space.  It was a bit annoy for a finsh to hit a wall of 2:02 half marathoners but I am done.  3:02:13 on my watch, maybe officially 3:02:14 (was probably .1 or so but it gets rounded up) and I'm done. Very happy.  Tired, but happy. 

Post Race
So now thru the chute we walk to get medals.  Since its 90% halfers, they try to put a half mara medal on me.  I had to explain to the guy 3x that I ran a full.  Yes I'm tired. Geez c'mon, people can really run a marathon in 3:02, yes, thank you very much.    The Toronto Marathon always has chocolate milk at the finish, but this time it was a weird protein chocolate milk.  Sure sounds good. The finish area was quite busy and confusing.  I found a buddy who PB'd the half.  We chatted for a bit, I used his phone to find Marci.  We met up and then waited for my dad and sister, who were running the half in 2:10-2:20 (for a 2:16! way to go Em!) and eventually got out of there.    It was quite the race and experience.  I think I ran the race very well.  I wanted a 1:32 second half, but I was closer to 1:35.  It got warm, my quads were sore from the hills, stomach from the gels, it happens.  I also chatted up with Rob again.  It was nice to see him. Very friendly.  His friend I think had a great race.

Later celebrated with some Chipotle.  Man they have great burritos! And finally some beer and pizza with the great MBP group in the evening. What an awesome team!

With my next marathon not til Chicago I've got a lot of time to get better.  If I can cut off another 7min by then well shucks.   I'm sure that I will be hitting that sub 3.  This was a nice progression and right on track.  Thanks for reading.  It was a fun day afterall.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

It's almost "go" time

Two more solid weeks (or really this Sat til next Sat) of training and then its taper time! Sounds like a plan eh? I'm not really sure that it is.  Well I have an excellent plan on paper and it's working out fairly well, I just don't have time to really think about it.   It's probably for the best.  I've made bad mistakes in the past - 3 week 'taper' of no running before Goodlife last year - that led to complete failure...and other mistakes that are too many to name.

But I feel good about this one.  I've seen a lot of hard work done on paper and I've proved myself that I can do it.  I like the logic.  If A + B = C then get A and B together and get your  C.   Well I'd say that A is hard work, and B is recovery/easy mileage, and while it seems like a pain to do, it's pretty necessary. I've seen the sign posts in my races this year and I know I'm on track for my goals.

Here's a sample of some of my A type work this week:

Sunday - Long run - controlled pace - 30k (2nd half of Goodlife course + 9k) - 2:15.

Tues - 3k warm up, then intervals of 3:55/4:25/3:55/4:25/3:55/4:25/3:55/4:25/3:55/4:25/ (10k) and a 3k cool down.   "Recovering at a 4:25ish pace is intense.  Takes a special something but it can be done.   16km

Thus - 2.7k warmup, then 60 hard/60jog for 1.9k, then 4min rest, 1mi @ 5:58 (with the first km at a stupid 3:24/km pace, and a slower 4:16 for the last 600m), w 3min rest, 4 x 400m in the low 80s with 60s rest, and repeat.   Cool down for 3.5km for about another 16km.

 My B work has been a focus on keeping a 4:56-5:10 easy pace for recovery kms.  Believe me, they are needed.   This is the way to go.  It's too bad that my workout has left me on the odd days of some friends but I still try to run with them as they do track work and I do slow laps.

For a few more weeks I will continue to put it together and get my C - a nice sub 3 at Goodlife 2012. 

I got a great send off from my friends at the North York RR.   I had a great time so thanks to all.   It's been a pleasure running with everyone there and I'm most definitely coming back.   It's only a few stops away.
 But it's been a turning point.  Things will never be the same. Onwards and upwards as I move on to new adventures in life.   That sounds more melancholy than I'd like it to.  I am excited, really, but change is change. 

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Around the Bay Race Report 2012

A pretty amazing day!  2:04:59, which was my goal of a sub 2:05 race.

Here's the RR:   I thought my leg tempo and push off was really good for most of the race.  The pace started out around 4:10 and slowly progressed a little down at a time to 7k where I really hit my stride and got to about 4:02 to about 15k were I was still feeling fine and relaxed, then down a few % until the rollers where it got bad for a bit but had people to push me through.

I was upset at first for slowing down so much and having the hills take so much out of me but looking back at it with a better perspective I'm really happy.     Splits were 41, 41, 43 on the 10ks.  I really went slow on the big not much more than a lope.    The rollers from km 19-22 were tough but I recovered and maintained my sub 4:10 pace again after from 22-25, and even I think the last 3k were decent (though at that point my chest seized up and I couldn't get a deep breath).  Legs were feeling fine and good at that point.    I saw/heard a few friends shout out my name in the last km and that's what I needed for a final push.

I past lots of ppl on the course - I can't figure out how they all  got ahead of me? I was like 5th row back at the start - was there another start for the 5k ahead of us at the same time or something?  I passed a few hundred people in the first few min (BUT wasn't 'going out too fast), and was continuously passing ppl the whole race.   Two tough guys (fast looking guys) who I passed around 7km were able to catch up again on the rollers, but I was able to beat one of them in the last 3k!  The other who may have been sponsored was able to maintain his lead.    There was another guy in green who passed me around 22km and I almost caught him in the end but didn't have an extra gear.    There was one woman who I was racing with/trading places from 18 onwards but she seemed more relaxed - really killed the hills and I lost her on the big one.  
Other than that I As I said I recovered from 22-25.5, which is where the hill training really helps.   Well I got my goal - sub 2:05 even if it was by 1 second! That's what counts, and it is definitely on the track of sub 3 at the marathon.   

After I had my celebratory beer and a nice organic burger at Earth to Table Bread Bar on Locke St.  Good food there!

Looking forward to future goal smashing!

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Chilly Half Marathon Report

Start with the goods: Overall: 1:25:48 - 4:04 avg pace (target 4:05).!

Now that that's out of the way here's the report + pics:

Pre-race setup - very organized

We had perfect weather considering (heavy winds the day before) and a nice blue sky to run with. Pretty warm, and just a bit of wind here and there.

Got a parking spot pretty easy, got some caffine, and chilled for chilly to start.  Went for a couple kms easy + a few strides to shake out the system and headed to the front of the pack to get a good spot.   I always believe I seed myself well but I stay competitive and go for the front.  People tend to blow past me-  their mistake, and I let them know it when I catch up in the course... okay no I don't say "haha" but its never fun to be passed.    

5k: 19:46
I didn't exactly stick to race plan though.  I ended up getting caught up a bit in the moment - so much for that.   The pace felt good and you never know if the garmin is accurate (especially at the beginning) so I went out too fast.  KM 1-3: 3:46, then slowed it down a bit just in case it was right, 3:58, 3:55, 4:03 + 9 second (personally I think their first km marker was too short, which would explain the time - I pressed it when i say signs unless my garmin was very close).   Knowing that I was going to blow it running sub 4's I turned it down a bit but not too much to get my body off.  I worked on form, good movement and good foot strike patterns, quick legs etc. 
10k: 39:52
Felt light.  But by km 10 I was pushing it a bit too hard.  Again I wanted to tone it down but not too much that I loose the edge.   I passed a few ppl from 5-10km but it was pretty stable.  I miscalculated when we'd cross the start street again so I gave bad directions for my 'crew' to watch me and cheer me on.   

15k: 1:00:12
Then 10-15 (turnaround at 13).  I think the course was or appeared more downhill on the way back.   Avg ks going from 4:02-3:56 in this section, and there was a bit of wind.  This section of the course was pretty quiet but I was happy with the pace in terms of the next km sign comes up pretty fast.  There's nothing worse than when you're already tired and the kms are getting further and further apart.

20k: 1:20:55
15-20k - this is where I slowed the most and prob what you would expect for someone to go out too fast.  I think I did a pretty decent job holding on.  There were definitely times I felt it and times that I let it up a bit for km 16 and 17 (slowed down to 4:14-4:20 - a bit imprecise b/c I stopped pressing the lap button at the signs and relied on autolap) but I wanted to work on a final go.  At 17km as planned I wanted to give it what I had left.   17- 4:06, 18 - 4:12, 19 - 4:09, 20 - 4:05, and then a 3:44 pace for the final kick. 

21.1: 1:25:48
I did manage a sprint, although small.  I was definitely feeling winded and in the hurt zone in the last km.  I really said - this is the end, finish strong, pain is temp, glory is forever kind of deal and it worked.   I continued to pick off a few guys and gals 1 or 2 at a time.  Past another 5 or so in the last few km.  A few ppl passed me at the turn around, one gal, who might have been 3rd, and one other guy around 15km.    I think they had a good 30second+ lead at the end so I don't know if I could have taken them today, but I didn't let anyone re-pass me. 
So it was pretty consistent and that's very positive.  I guess I was aiming for about 20:25 per 5k so I ended up being 19:46, 20:06, 20:20, 20:33.   Pretty stoked about that.   

Anyways, sorry for the lengthy read!  I think there's a lot of positive out of this and definitely exactly where I want to be.  It was tough and I toughed it out.    I'm glad that I still have so much improvement over last year... things are looking up in my training so time to buckle down and give'r hell for the next two months.

I loved the chilly n beer afterwards.

Post run pics: 

Stretching out with AIS
Free chilly and beer yum!

Thursday, 16 February 2012

A few milestones for the good and bad

So the past two weeks have had a lot of ups and downs.   I've broken new records and ventured into new territory

A) Most tired I've ever felt before and during a run
B) 10k PB mid workout
C) Maybe the worst DOMS for my calves ever
D) the fastest mile repeats ever
E) Running 23k of hills in a blizzard
F) Having about 6/10 runs in there that I felt so awful for but still toughed it out
G) Maybe some of the latest I've run in the day (okay not the latest but close to it).
H) Weirdest run experience

A) Most tired.   I think this goes to Monday last week.   That was the hardest 10k I've ever run in my life.  I have no idea where I got any of the strength to do it.   It was a real dig deep kind of thing.

G, F) I'll just get into this one now - pretty much the last two weeks have had me feeling awful.  Late runs, low food, too much food, Feb blues, long hours at work, stress of finding a new domicile... it adds up.  I don't know how I had time to run let alone run though some of that.

B) This was kind of fun.  My workout a week ago Tues called for 8k at 1/2 mara pace or a bit better.   Well I've been aiming for 9mph (4:08/km for a while), so I wanted to see how I'd fair at 9.3mph (4:00).  That's sort of the long term goal.  To really get fast.   As I was feeling up and down through the workout I decided closer to 8 as I was feeling good again, to go for a sub 40.  I thought I did it last year at sportinglife, but that turned out wrong (my GPS had building interference and told me I was ahead of pace - turns out I was just a bit behind... and finished in 40:34).   So sure, why not.  I did one more km at 4:00 and turned it up for the last one.   Finished in 39:45 with 30seconds of the tm getting up to speed.   I felt great about that and confident that I could go faster with some rest etc.  Woohoo!

E) 23k in a blizzard!  What a workout - really a confidence builder.  Sure I felt awful as I have lately but good to do so with a whole bunch of others all suffering too.   As bad as I felt I was, I could tell that nobody was catching up, which does say something, so ahead I went and finished in 2:00:05, which is about 15min slower than had it been clear.   Still a solid effort.   Did I mention I beat 3 cars without snow tires going uphill?  Lol funny stuff.

C) Well it turns out that I'm not the only one with DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) after our run-specific cross training with Nate.   I think 20/20 people all had the same thing.   Lol.  Sharing pain is part of the game.

D) The day after DOMS (came 2 days after the workout) we had our group run day.  Didn't know how this one would play out, but I followed the leader and zoned out.  That was great - I do that sometimes and this was the place to do it.     You just feel like your not running - just following on a train/car/bus and the leader or even yourself is just pulling you along, the scenery whipping by.  Literally -5 x 1 mile repeats  that I'm really proud of:

5:57, 5:51, 5:51, 5:57, 5:52  w/ 2 min rest in between

H) Okay best for last eh?
On Monday this week, which was also one of my latest at 8:30pm start, also after that XT class, I went for a run at the gym.   I figured probably easy to get my treadmill right? (the one with the fan).  Yep no problem. So I'm having a good run, but quite aware of my surroundings (probably because I had no music - ipod out of juice).   So I'm looking around for entertainment and first I notice the woman on the bike just sitting there watching tv.... Yes literally.  Why not pedal even a little teensy bit? She was there before I started and was still there after I left.   Okay.  Weirdo #1.      Then there's a guy I see letting his treadmill run by itself while he's also watching TV - though that's a more common site (Weirdo #2).   Gotta get some good numbers in for the night right?   Tell your friends how far you watched your tm go? Moving on... #3 steps up his game.  Around 40min into my run a guy comes in and gets on in a full parka and snow pants and starts jogging.   Well at least he's jogging...

Best for last?  Well it's a toss up between the girl and me.   Yep I might be weirdo #4 but the girl never 'saw'.    So little girly (skinny girl) gets on beside me (though there are plenty of machines nearby) wearing sparkly clothes and what not.   Fun.  Then she gets a call and thankfully rejects it.  Nice sparkly phone with tons of rhinestones. They still make those?   So I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt, (though she runs 'hard' at 6mph for a min, then jogs at 5 for about 5min each time), until she decides to call her boyo or who knows back.     Little girly slows down to 2.8 walking pace and decides to have a fun convo right beside me.  I'm thinking I'm gonna ask her to get off, remind her its a gym not a park, but my run was almost over and I didn't think she'd really do it. 

Nope. she really did it.   Talked the whole time.   So now I'm looking for a way to get her attention to tell her to get off the phone without actually stopping my run.  I don't want to 'hit' her etc as I'm moving pretty fast and there's only 2k left.  So I figure - weird moves or noise.   I start with both.  I move up from 8 - 9mph. and start panting.  Okay I didn't need to pant but I figure hell its annoying right? this will get a look.   Nope.  Start hitting the floor really hard. Nope.  Start waving my arms around in airplane motions and whatnots nope.   Her conversation must have been that good.   Finally I'm done but still have strides left.  I give 'er one last go - going at 11.5mph and pounding much harder than I need to and panting really loud and whatever I can but she's not buying.  Not even a look.  Heck I was running looking at her with my head sideways too.

Okay I might have been tired and that pushed my annoyance but dude... don't talk on your cell at the gym!! Next time I'm going to run on my hands... I mean just tell you to please get off the phone.

Well that's my week and half... hope you enjoyed. 

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Week in review - Jan 30 - Feb 5

Just a quick one this time

M - 13.5k - 60min @ 8.1mph pace on the treadmill, + strides + xt course.

Since pacing has been feeling comfortable I pushed it a tiny bit faster to 8.1.  I think it was decent though I am not sure completely if it really makes a difference or not (for better or worse).

T - 13 k  Threshold workout on treadmill
3k warm up, strides and ready to go.
First 4k @ 9mph (4:08/km pace) + 90s rest
Then 2k @ 9.3 (4:00/km) + 90 rest
Finally 2k @ 10 (3:43/km)
3k cool down

Wasn't sure if 10mph was within the realm.  Want to keep a threshold at max of about 90%.  I used the HR monitor (and well the fan may have helped).  HR hit about 174 (90% of my expected max).

W - 8.6km recovery

Since I've been monotonous on the treadmill so much, I took this one to the streets.   Felt nice to be outside and the weather was perfect.  Just a good pace and enjoyed the experience.  Went exploring found out how local construction was progressing etc.

Th - 13km group run
This is the big one.  Apparently everyone 'prepares' for this one! Lol It's great to see I'm not the only nervous one waiting for friendly competition.   Started with some fartleks in a 90sec on, 30 sec jog, 60s on, 60s jog pattern.   We got through a few sets and did 4.55km in 18min and change (getting lost).  So very satisfied with the pace and effort.  I spent some good time chasing the lead guys and felt it was a strong effort.   Between 10-11mph on the "on" sections - might be the new 5k pace?
Finished with 6 hills.  I think I'm really starting to get used to these with the other training.  Good stuff!

F - Off

S - 12k @ 8mph
Similar to Monday

Su - 24k MLR
Easy start, then took the pace down for a little fun.   11k at a 4:19 avg pace with a few lights/stops.  I was semi trying to loose a few guys but also waited seeing that a few were hanging on.  Good times.  I felt strong and definitely had more in the tank.  Good to know that that's a slightly uncomfortable pace now as that's about the marathon target. 

Week total - 88kms

Friday, 3 February 2012


Well it's about time I turned my attention to an American/World major!  So exciting! I signed up for the 2012 Chicago Marathon this week.   I think that should give an extra kick into my training.     I am still doing a marathon in May but this is far more exciting and takes the pressure off on the sub 3 attempt (Chicago is flat and with so many people (even a 3 hr pace bunny) I will have all the tools I need.

Goodlife will still be a trial run, and well my main goal I guess is to re-qualify for Boston under the 2013 standards of 3:05:00 even (or really 3:04:59).      Since my last marathon would technically qualify but the way races sell out these days (especially the big B), it was "too late" because it was in October.   So silly!

But I am not disappointed.   Onwards and upwards.  Chicago!! 

So for now my racing season looks like this:

March 4- Chilly Half (goal 1:25-1:27 weather permitting)
March 25 - Around the Bay 30k (Goal 2:05)
April 8 - Harry's 8k (goal - sub 32 - there is a crazy hill though apparently)
May 6 - Goodlife Marathon (goal: 2:59:59 to 3:04:59)

Then wedding! relax a bit, slow it down

Oct 6 - Chicago (goal 2:59:59)

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Week in Review Jan 23-Jan 29

Monday - 8mi + Strides + XT - 13K+
Very similar to last week - though this time I finished the 8mile run in an hour just because.  However my hamstrings which have been bothering me (since about Sat) have been getting tighter and tighter.  The strides were a little harder to do so I coped out at 4.

The cross training was also good, but I was weak in the hammies, so I took it easy at certain points, and made sure to listen and ask quenstion on how I could relax those.  I think the advice has been good.

Tuesday - Tempo - 13k
Today was a tempo day.  It in the end resembles yesterday's workout, but the quality changes.  It was an easy warmup at about 5:00/km (7.5mph), followed by 4 stides at 10.5mph

The next part was the actual workout which would be a little faster than usual - tempo pace.  My target is a 4:10/k pace so naturally  I chose 9mph (a nice round number) or 4:08/km.   This was for 7km which went great.   The first few kms I actually switched tm's once because I thought it was broken.  This didn't feel like 9mph? But I went with it, made sure the tm ran for about 30 seconds before starting the timer again, figured it was probably correct and had fun.

3k cooldown.

For my hamstrings, I have a new stretch - its sitting with your back on the floor and legs against the wall with my legs up vertically so can stretch them.   Sit there for about 5min and you get a lot of relief.  I did this 2x and felt a lot better.  I can start to walk again :)

Wednesday - Recovery 7k + Massage.

Thursday - Tempo/intervals - 13K

Really felt like I got done what I set out to do.    A big improvement over last week's failure.  With the massage, I was ready to go:
2.6k warmup (5:10/k pace)
4 strides + some plyometrics
2.4k continous (1,600m at a 3:52/kish ~ 6:09/mi pace), then 400m jog, 400m hard @ 3:33/k
2min rest
3.0k continous (2 x 1.1k at a 3:51/kish ~ 6:08 again) then 400m jog, 400m hard @ 3:23/k
2min rest
2.4k continous (1,600m at a 3:47/k ~ 6:03/mi pace), then 400m jog, 400m hard @ 3:23/k
2.6k easy run back (5:08 pace)

Friday - Off

Saturday - 10 hills - 19.84km + 4.1km cool down
Now that the number of hills is double digits it takes a special kind of focus - you can really get lost in trying to pace yourself and conserve yet push throught the workout.   My big concern however was that I've been running so well lately that this was going to suck and everyone would just say well there goes that guy... next.

I think that's what the consistency in my running is good for.  This run kicked ass.  I ran 1:33:03 which is 5min faster than my previous best in this workout.  It's hard to say if that's great or not since the sample size is small, but hell yeah it is!  

I ran the last km very well too at about a 4:06 average pace - which shows I still had 'more in the tank'.

The thing about hills is, remember, that its not all butterflies and rainbows.  Because I do what appears to be a strong workout doesn't mean this is easy for me.   Going up these hills I ask myself, what am I doing? why am I doing it? and Aren't we done yet?  It's tough work but I know the rewards are great.  The trick for me was to listen to some music and just focus one at a time, and not to think of the global workout.  To remember this is training and no matter how poorly it seems its going, I am benefiting from this, so just stick with it. 

The cool down was also great because I could stop caring about my pace and just go.  I ran back to the hills and ran the last one in with my Dad.  Always fun to do that.  I'm sure he enjoys/appreciates it too.  Okay so maybe 11 hills.

507m incline - 1,663 feet (and well the same descent)  

Sunday - 14k easy

 This is just a relaxing one to keep the distance up yet get a workout in.     Started at 7.5 on the treadmill, hit 4.34 and turned it over to 8.0 for the second half.    At this point my body is well warmed up and an 8 is pretty relaxing too.   I got into a good grove and drove it home.

Totals for the week - 85kms

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Week in review Jan 16-22 (the detailed post!)

M - 12k + strides + cross train. 
Woah! Busy day indeed.   Today I was supposed to begin a run specific cross training group and I was excited for everything but making the schedule work.  It seemed a little tough fitting it all in.   I did go home before work but decided to workout at the Goodlife at Yonge + Eglinton, which is newer, replacing the old Bally.  As a gym it was awkward.  No fan for anyone, and the changeroom was super packed. It felt like they threw in another row of lockers into a more crowded space.  Pretty disgusting, but past that, I had a good solid run.   8mph for almost an hour.  I should have finished it off but cleaned up at 12km (as per my workout) in 56min, then strides (5x 11mph (30seconds hard, 30 off)

Strides are better on the ground - more of a progression to 80% top speed or so.  On a treadmill it's tricky.   Especially since it takes about 30 seconds for it to get up to speed.  Instead I run it at full pace (11mph) and jump off to the side rails for my 30second breaks, try to move my legs one a time in the air, get some water or something and get ready to explode from 0-11mph in a split second.

The XT was good, really good for hips, hamstrings etc. but I was a little tired from the run.  I had about 10 min to make it over.  Thankfully as I planned my run nearby I was in the vicinity.  That's not the extra 4min - didn't really have much time to spare. 

T - 15.4kms - Fartleks
 I got my treadmill! So excited! At first I thought the fan was removed and was a little peeved.  However after my eyes adjusted I noticed it was moved to the corner and sitting in the dark.  Success!  I had a perfect setup for a tough day.

Yesterday didn't leave me too exhausted so I was good to go.   Again a 3k warmup.  To change it up I also wore my heart rate (HR) monitor.  It was a good way to check up on how I was progressing.   I moved it up to 8.0 in my warmup to see if my HR had come down at all (was 160ish when I started training again in Dec).  Now it was 150ish.  That's really great!  Still it was only a warmup so it's hard to really ascertain a message.  Plus I had a fan - that alone might be the difference (and why I'm so insistent on it!). 

After a warmup with strides it came down to the workout 3 sets of 5min @ higher end tempo (9.6mph), followed by 2 min of rest, followed by uphill at 5.0 at a "hard" effort, and 1 min rest, 1 min hard on flat, and 2min walk.

I wasn't sure what hard uphill meant so I gave it an honest go.  I picked 8.5mph and I was sucking a bit of wind! It was certainly "hard".  It wasn't full out, but by the 3rd set I was certainly feeling it a bit.    They say its about 1min per km faster for every 4% incline in slope.  So that means my 4:23/km pace was closer to a 3:23 equivalent!  (that's 11mph)

The 1 min rests were over too quickly, and the 1 min hard at 11mph were just long enough that I wanted my break.

My average heart rate bounced around 165 for the tempo, 170s for the 11mph work and equivalents, with a max of 177.

W - 8K - Recovery
Ever have great music so that every km feels awesome?  This was one of those days!  This was an easy paced run to get a good rest on the musculoskeletal systems to take it easy after a hard day and before another.  On this run I went from feeling stiff as a board to nice and movable.

Th - 12.8k - Tempo
Great - slush + snow.  I was not happy with my performance.   I was tired, hungry, dehydrated, who knows but my mind was certainly out of it as well as my body.  It's really tough to do quality things when your mind is not there.  I've had lots of runs where I don't want to go out but then end up having a great time.  But when your body is also not responding its pure hell.

We started with a 2.6k warmup, which might have been too fast
then 4 x 1.1k loops, faster on the 3rd and 4th.     The times were decent (for snow), at 4:06/km pace on the faster loops, but I was wiped.

Next came 800ms continuous with 400 hard and 400 recovery.   I started on the wrong foot here (figuratively).  I was still gulping down water when the 2 min rest was over and had a sub par 1st loop where I couldn't quite finish the loop.   Too bad because the average pace was decent so the pre-im-too-bloated part must have been blazing!

2nd loop, im ready to go and nailed the pace at 10mph

3rd loop, im done - watch the others go by

4th loop - totally out of it - my recovery part is just as fast (feeling a bit sorry for myself)

2.6k run back

It was a bad day but whatever, time to get passed it

F - 10k
Normally a rest day, but instead its a 10k day.  Felt nice and decent.  Hopefully a sign that yesterday's workout was just a blip.    Set the treadmill up on 0.5 incline at 8mph and just ran for about 46:36.  Good times.

Sat - 23K + wedding
I was warned against injuring myself today so I spent the day on the treadmill.  I was interested to see if I could last anyway - 2 hrs on the treadmill?

Success - 10k @ 5:00/k pace, 6k @ 4:40/k pace, 6 k @ 2min @ 4:09, 2 min @ 4:40 intervals, 1 k cooldown

The wedding was so awesome! (not mine btw) But soon to be family's.    Lots of delicious food, good and funny speeches and dancing!   I didn't expect to be on my feet for almost 12 hrs continuously though.

A big congrats again to Matt and Ally!! yay

Sun - 10k
Sometimes a recovery run is the best thing - couldn't really sleep in the afternoon anyways so just went for a good run.  Nice and easy and felt great by the finish.

Week - 92kms

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Week in review Jan 9-15th

I know I'm getting a little late on these.  Here's my running/training from last week.  I should take the time to comment more and that will come soon, but for now it's more of a grind away, here's the results.

M - 10k easy @ 5 strides (30sec @ about 10.5-11mph) at the end  - Had to line up for a treadmill, waited about 6 minutes to get one and for the first time I didn't have the tm with a fan.  It's quite different!
T - 3k warmup, 5 stides, then 6k tempo at 4:10/km, then 3k cooldown - Waited a few minutes again, but got a tm then I switched 2x until I got the machine I like with the fan (compulsive much?) but I think it was worth it. 
W - 8kish recovery - nice and slow (outdoors)

T - Fast day felt great actually, Warm up, 3.3k @ 4:10 avg, 1.1k @ 3:45, 2.2k @ 4:00, 800m @ 2:52, 90 seconds rest between sets, cool down - really felt loose in my legs, and that was great.  Good competitive group and we fed off each other's energy. 
F - Off
S - 16.5 km - 8 hills (bit of ice) 1:16 (fastest over 3 yrs by 4 min),   4km cool down [cold day -20ish with windchill, frozen feet for first 5k burr and nose freezing every once in a while]  
S - 21 - (snow/ice) easy/recovery pace @ 4:55/km  w last 4kmi @ 4:38, 4:30, 4:15, 4:11 [another cold feet problem day but probably because there was no sun on those snowy paths!]

Total - 86.6 km

My week so far  has been different - some interesting cross training and a busy schedule.   More details to follow. 

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Last week

Just some totals for last week

M - 13km  Treadmill 7.6mi 1 hr, + 5 x 30 sec sprints at 10.5 on the TM
T -  13km - 1hr on TM  -15min warmup, 4 sets of 2min @ 10mph (3:43), 1 min rest, 1min at 10.5 (3:33), 1 min rest, 30 sec @ 12mph! (or 3:07/km)   w/ 3 min rest
W - 8km - 43min (recovery pace)
Th - 13.05km mi 57min 1.1km loops @ 3:51ish, 400m recovery, 400m sprints @ 3:30 avg pace (w 2 min rest)
F - off
S - 12.7km - 6 Hills for 1 hr - sub 8min up hill.  Slopes 6-8%, each hill 1 mi (fastest time over 3 yrs!)
S - 21km - easy start, 5:30s, then 5:00's in the middle, and easy 4:30s for last 5km
Run includes one ice slip as I turned around to wait for ppl.  I've got to stop being nice. ;)

Total milage - 81.14kms

Monday, 2 January 2012

2012 Time to Turn up the Heat

This is the year to turn up the training and see what I can do.   Got some big aspirations!

Goals for 2012 -

10k - sub 40
half - 1:25
Full - sub 3

So let's see how it goes!


M - 12.84km w light hills
T - 14.59km - 10 intervals on 2min on/off @ 10mph/8mph
W - 8km - easy
T - 11km - 800s (snow)
F - Off
S - 21.15mi - slow, trail, (snow)
S - 10km - progressive fun run 
Total - 77.63kms

Also I signed up for the Chilly Half marathon.  That's my first attempt at this course and the first just half I've run in a while.

My schedule for the year

Jan - training
Feb - traninig
Mar - Training, chilly half & around the bay (30k)
Apr - training + taper
May - mara - sub 3 attempt