Friday, 17 August 2012

An easy breazy day in August

The past few weeks have afforded me little rest running wise.   I've run 235kms in the month so far.. or 100k per week! It's by far a good solid chunk of training and I'm feeling a lot better in form.  It does feel tiring though.  Do you ever get to the point where you need to run a few miles just to loosen up?  That's about how I feel these days.

With last night's speed session no exception, it started as a 4.5k jog around a 4:45-5:00/k pace, followed by drills, then 5 x 1mi (1600m) w 300m jog recoveries and a 2min break in between sets 2 and 3, and an easy few km home.  Not that complicated.  It still took me the first 2 sets of repeats to really feel my legs though, at 6:26, 6:26, it's nothing 'fast' but it isn't all that slow either.   After the break I was stiff so 6:27, but then found my rhythm a bit and nailed a 6:19, and 6:22.    Again, not my best by far, but as a measure of how I felt, this came across strong.

It's tough to do this many miles yet reflect back to Feb when I could nail 5 x mile w 30s rest @ 5:50-5:52 pace.   I was golden then.  It was also a LOT cooler.  For those who forgot, we had the best winter ever.  This summer is still too humid for great running so I'll take what I can get.

Today was what I needed.  My watch couldn't get a signal so I just left it at home.  I decided on a 10k route and just ran.  The weather was nice, no humidity in the air, so I was able to relax and really enjoy it.   I waved to all the runners I passed as I like to do when I'm relaxed and got some waves back.  I'm surprised that I feel like I'm the only one who does this anymore.  If I didn't initiate, people would ignore.  This was one of the things that really got me onto running back in the day - how friendly total strangers were.   Not to say running in a club you don't get the same camaraderie, but it's the chance encounters with your neighbours that bring it all back.    PS I rarely run with headphones.

So with that, it's time to grind it out some more.  Only about 7 weeks left til Chicago.   Will have some great company for that - very much looking forward to it!

1 comment:

  1. I always wave! You don't wave back! Oh wait, I never see you! ;-)

    I've been running alone a lot lately and I actually wave or say good morning a lot. But I can't remember if it's me or them that initiate. Also, morning runners are a lot more friendlier than evening runners.
