Well it's about time I turned my attention to an American/World major! So exciting! I signed up for the 2012 Chicago Marathon this week. I think that should give an extra kick into my training. I am still doing a marathon in May but this is far more exciting and takes the pressure off on the sub 3 attempt (Chicago is flat and with so many people (even a 3 hr pace bunny) I will have all the tools I need.
Goodlife will still be a trial run, and well my main goal I guess is to re-qualify for Boston under the 2013 standards of 3:05:00 even (or really 3:04:59). Since my last marathon would technically qualify but the way races sell out these days (especially the big B), it was "too late" because it was in October. So silly!
But I am not disappointed. Onwards and upwards. Chicago!!
So for now my racing season looks like this:
March 4- Chilly Half (goal 1:25-1:27 weather permitting)
March 25 - Around the Bay 30k (Goal 2:05)
April 8 - Harry's 8k (goal - sub 32 - there is a crazy hill though apparently)
May 6 - Goodlife Marathon (goal: 2:59:59 to 3:04:59)
Then wedding! relax a bit, slow it down
Oct 6 - Chicago (goal 2:59:59)
I can't wait! You'll do awesome! and the weather will be perfect. (I am willing it.) The entire course is so flat that they kinda "surprise" you with a "hill" on a bridge so close to the end. It's not a big deal but it seemed so out of place.