Sunday, 5 February 2012

Week in review - Jan 30 - Feb 5

Just a quick one this time

M - 13.5k - 60min @ 8.1mph pace on the treadmill, + strides + xt course.

Since pacing has been feeling comfortable I pushed it a tiny bit faster to 8.1.  I think it was decent though I am not sure completely if it really makes a difference or not (for better or worse).

T - 13 k  Threshold workout on treadmill
3k warm up, strides and ready to go.
First 4k @ 9mph (4:08/km pace) + 90s rest
Then 2k @ 9.3 (4:00/km) + 90 rest
Finally 2k @ 10 (3:43/km)
3k cool down

Wasn't sure if 10mph was within the realm.  Want to keep a threshold at max of about 90%.  I used the HR monitor (and well the fan may have helped).  HR hit about 174 (90% of my expected max).

W - 8.6km recovery

Since I've been monotonous on the treadmill so much, I took this one to the streets.   Felt nice to be outside and the weather was perfect.  Just a good pace and enjoyed the experience.  Went exploring found out how local construction was progressing etc.

Th - 13km group run
This is the big one.  Apparently everyone 'prepares' for this one! Lol It's great to see I'm not the only nervous one waiting for friendly competition.   Started with some fartleks in a 90sec on, 30 sec jog, 60s on, 60s jog pattern.   We got through a few sets and did 4.55km in 18min and change (getting lost).  So very satisfied with the pace and effort.  I spent some good time chasing the lead guys and felt it was a strong effort.   Between 10-11mph on the "on" sections - might be the new 5k pace?
Finished with 6 hills.  I think I'm really starting to get used to these with the other training.  Good stuff!

F - Off

S - 12k @ 8mph
Similar to Monday

Su - 24k MLR
Easy start, then took the pace down for a little fun.   11k at a 4:19 avg pace with a few lights/stops.  I was semi trying to loose a few guys but also waited seeing that a few were hanging on.  Good times.  I felt strong and definitely had more in the tank.  Good to know that that's a slightly uncomfortable pace now as that's about the marathon target. 

Week total - 88kms

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