Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Around the Bay Race Report 2012

A pretty amazing day!  2:04:59, which was my goal of a sub 2:05 race.

Here's the RR:   I thought my leg tempo and push off was really good for most of the race.  The pace started out around 4:10 and slowly progressed a little down at a time to 7k where I really hit my stride and got to about 4:02 to about 15k were I was still feeling fine and relaxed, then down a few % until the rollers where it got bad for a bit but had people to push me through.

I was upset at first for slowing down so much and having the hills take so much out of me but looking back at it with a better perspective I'm really happy.     Splits were 41, 41, 43 on the 10ks.  I really went slow on the big hill...like not much more than a lope.    The rollers from km 19-22 were tough but I recovered and maintained my sub 4:10 pace again after from 22-25, and even I think the last 3k were decent (though at that point my chest seized up and I couldn't get a deep breath).  Legs were feeling fine and good at that point.    I saw/heard a few friends shout out my name in the last km and that's what I needed for a final push.

I past lots of ppl on the course - I can't figure out how they all  got ahead of me? I was like 5th row back at the start - was there another start for the 5k ahead of us at the same time or something?  I passed a few hundred people in the first few min (BUT wasn't 'going out too fast), and was continuously passing ppl the whole race.   Two tough guys (fast looking guys) who I passed around 7km were able to catch up again on the rollers, but I was able to beat one of them in the last 3k!  The other who may have been sponsored was able to maintain his lead.    There was another guy in green who passed me around 22km and I almost caught him in the end but didn't have an extra gear.    There was one woman who I was racing with/trading places from 18 onwards but she seemed more relaxed - really killed the hills and I lost her on the big one.  
Other than that I As I said I recovered from 22-25.5, which is where the hill training really helps.   Well I got my goal - sub 2:05 even if it was by 1 second! That's what counts, and it is definitely on the track of sub 3 at the marathon.   

After I had my celebratory beer and a nice organic burger at Earth to Table Bread Bar on Locke St.  Good food there!

Looking forward to future goal smashing!

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