Monday, 3 October 2011

Two years out

Looking back at this time and it appears that it's been about two years since I've come back to running and given long distance running a go.

A bit more about me - ran XC in HS and at the varsity level, but I in effect sucked.  Came in last or close to it which taught me I wasn't competitive.  My 10k time was in around the 55min mark when the better on my team were doing it around 40min and the elite under 37.  Then there was the competition elites who were under 32min.  Those guys were insane and were incredible to watch.  

After my university days, I let running go by the wayside.  I ran a few other halfs but never really devoted the time and resources to get better. Was definitely at a plateau.  (around 10k in 46min, half around 1:40) before letting it go completely.

Two years ago a friend of mine finally made a decision to go forward.  While I had been running since middle school, he came into it with the 'new generation' like around '04/05 when it became popular.  He was a former hockey player so I don't blame him. 

But we were meeting once a week and we started to build it up.  I think we ran a 12 miler just before the Scotia half in late Sept '09 and I thought I have no endurance anymore.  Not that I was ever going much further than that (just 13.1) I just felt wrecked. 

That year I did the half and couldn't finish it on my feet running.   I ran a 1:57 when I was only a kid, but now I couldn't close the deal in 2:00.  Finished with a 2:03 with a lot of walking.  I vowed to quit running there for good.   Turns out, that took off all the pressure.

Started running with my Dad and his buddies on Saturdays.  I was running 9:30s or slower for about 10 miles while they went faster and further.  Did it week after week.  Even if I had to walk I would build up my distance.   Started doing running room group runs as well to get more in.  After a month, I ran the Goodlife half down in the 1:50 range (so already seeing results) and set myself up again for the goal of the marathon that was sitting there since I was a kid.    Wanted to run it before I turned 18, okay, before 21, okay before 25, and so on.    

Those running buddies kicked my ass so hard that I'd go home and spend the rest of the weekend just laying on the couch and going to be early, completely drained of energy.  But when I came to the conclusion, it was a different ball game.    Now I could run 30k.     I ran Around the Bay and pulled my IT Band.     Great.

Then came 3 months of rehab followed by more training.   Finally last fall I did my marathon.  It was great!  I ran the entire distance without stopping and beat my dad's PB that he worked hard to get (not that I didn't work hard but I was sure excited about my future as a LD runner). 

Then came the winter again and even stronger training.  The ATB improvement was drastic.  15min!! I entered a new territory and I could feel it.  Suddenly I looked back on my 1.5 years and I was seemingly competitive.   I started racing again - now I'm hitting 40min in the 10k - my previous dream, and sub 20 in the 5k.   A whole world has opened up that I used to think was only based on talent. 

Now it's been two years since I've been back to running and one year since the first marathon.   I have had a lot of upsets in that year since (out of shape for a Nov marathon - walking, another injury + off day in  May - was in great shape but ended up walking 7k to the finish, 5k races in blistering 40+c weather, and stomach cramps and illness in the last 30k).

But you know what? This just adds character.  I have a feeling this race it will all come together.   I may not get a BQ (needed 3:10 and may get that but now I need a 3:05) but I do know it will be my best to date and I will know I will feel awesome.

If only I didn't have to wait 2 weeks. :p

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